Returns We accept returns within 14 days of delivery for items in their original condition, including packaging and tags. To initiate a return, contact with your order number in the title of the email and reason for the return in the body with all of your contact details.
Refunds Once we receive and inspect your return, we will notify you of the refund approval status. Approval status is at our discretion. Approved refunds will be processed to your original payment method within 7-10 business days. Shipping fees are non-refundable.
Exchanges We offer exchanges for items of the same value. Contact us at to request an exchange.
Non-Returnable Items The following items are strictly non-returnable:
- Gift cards.
- Clearance or final sale items.
- Custom or personalised products.
- Discount coupons used.
Damaged or Defective Items If your order arrives damaged or defective, please contact us within 24-48 hours of delivery. Include photos of the damage or defect for faster processing.
Cancellation Policy Once an order is received it cannot be cancelled as orders are processed immediately.
Contact Us For refund-related questions, contact